Showing of 7 results
Short Cuts
#213 Misfit Manchild Edgelords
It's Nazi season in Canada! From the "controversial" flag in Saskatchewan to the neo-Nazi working in an Ontario city hall, Canada's working hard to normalize racism. And Mark Norman apparently had it worse than Omar Khadr. Who was in Guantanmo Bay. As a minor.
Short Cuts
#210 Raccoon Thirst Trap
Who among us hasn't stabbed a lecherous raccoon with a dessert fork? And Omar Khadr gave his first big interview on Québec television; where was English media on this one?
Short Cuts
SHORT CUTS – Shopping Khadr To Fox News
The Conservative Party takes their latest wedge issue to the US media, a Quebec town won't let Muslims bury their dead and Trudeau lays out some hot summer jams. BuzzFeed's Elamin Abdelmahmoud co-hosts.
#192 15 Years Covering Omar Khadr
Michelle Shephard has been covering Omar Khadr since the beginning. She talks to guest host Omar Mouallem about what the media keeps getting wrong about the story.
Short Cuts
#126 Child Soldiers, Proud Boys
Politicians and columnists twist Omar Khadr's story, an MP plagiarizes co-host Erica Violet Lee and the press responds to Indigenous activism at Canada150.
#130 Trial By Media, Media On Trial
What happens when three lawyers argue with Jesse Brown?
Short Cuts
#26 Horny Press/Zehaf-Bibeau Video/Khadr Doc
Freelance journalist Adrian MacNair on the press' spring fever, the RCMP's release of 18 missing seconds of the Michael Zehaf-Bibeau video, and the CBC's Omar Khadr documentary.