Showing of 5 results
#70 Who’s Afraid of the COVID Alert App?
Can you guess which OPPO host has downloaded the app? Citizen Lab’s Christopher Parsons joins us to assuage privacy concerns and/or irrational fears about the federal government’s new app to contain the coronavirus.
#191 Revenge Porn
Ren Bostelaar posted nude pictures of women to 4chan without their consent. He avoided a criminal record by taking a peace bond. Is revenge porn legal in Canada?
#33 A Federal Minister Explains why the Government Creeps your Facebook
Harper cabinet member Tony Clement describes how government outsources social media monitoring of the public. Is it legal? He's not sure yet.
Did ROGERS sell your data to the police? They won’t say.
#31 Your Telecom Provider is Selling your Information to the Government
Internet and wireless companies have supplied private data millions of times.